Progress in Europe

December 30th, 2023 No comments

Well, there seems to be an appetite for dialogue across the European Union. The peoples of the European Union wants to be heard. So, at least to the aim of revitalizing the EU as a political project that is a good thing, we need to do some dialogue.

We have to be a little careful though, it has to be a very controlled development. These things have to be done in a very respectful and responsible manner.

We have to touch base with the leading lights of Europe, hear all the other philosophers out. What are their inputs, and we also need to hear the politicians on their input.

We can make a Trier style reform in terms of economical development, as Barack, Joe and I have done in the US. But we have to think it through.

There are a number of amazing thinkers in Europe, and we need to get their input.

Also, we need to build on the success we have already.

I have been instrumental in a blazing endeavor within green energy, a process that may just end up making Europe energy independant.

We can build on that, and spread the investment into the car industry. Right now German car industry is tanking due to my good friend mr. Musks brilliance.

But, I have a few tricks up in my sleeve, and I will be happily competing a bit with Elon, with FULL respect for our long internet friendship.

One thing you have to figure out, is to make a USER FRIENDLY car system.

Right now the Tesla is an electric car, but to be honest, the electric part is what drags the car down, what drags it up, is the USER FRIENDLY IT system that runs the car.

German car industry should stop looking at the electric part of the equation, and start looking at making, and I repeat for those who haven’t gotten the message USER FRIENDLY system in their cars.

BMW, VW and the other car producers should build on their own strengths, but we need to do some catch up in the computer area.

Get some of the best it guys from silicon valley and start doing the work.

And, and this is a possibility for the EU, we need to invest on IT.

G-d bless the will to boost European democracy and economical progress. G-d bless the peace we will find at the end of this, with all our neighbors.

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Happy new year

December 29th, 2023 No comments

So now it is new year, and Christmas is over. A time of reflection on “what is next”. For me, I just wanted to give my sincere appreciation to all of those, who have helped me over the year. For me, it has been a horrible year, but when you are in trouble, you get to know who your friends are. Now I know, who my friends are, and that is a good thing.

In the tale of Israel, the unity that I have tried to foster, has been shaken by rifts. That is the bare truth of it. Can we overcome those internal rifts? I hope so, but it is a very grave problem.

At the other hand, I do have good friends in other places, you know who, and thank you for having my back in a difficult time. I am trying to figure out a way to repay the favor. You know who you are, and what you have done. Thank you guys, so much appreciated, you just have made a true friend.

So, that is 2024 coming up, hopefully a year with progress. A year where we can build instead of tearing down, and hopefully a year where mr. Biden will win the election. That is going to be the big issue, that I will be focusing on, among other things. Also the European Union, and how we can make it work much better.

So, there are a lot of interesting issues, and hopefully we can make them work a bit better.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

G-d bless the will to find a constructive way in this world, g-d bless the peace we may find.

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The will of the people

December 28th, 2023 No comments

When we talk about the direction of the European Union, we need to, I think, to understand what it is.

The federal level is, at its best a republic. That republic reflects its citizens. BUT, and this is really the crux of the matter, we need the citizens to have some kind of relation to the Republican congregation.

How do we do that?

We do it by seeking a higher purpose.

Plotinus, the late greek/roman philosopher, believes, that there is an ideal state of being, that is perfect, a higher good, if you may.

What is the higher good of the European Union?

We should ask ourselves this question, and if we manage to answer that question, there may be a path to understanding the very meaning of the European Union. As I understand the Eastern European countries, they are asking themselves that very question. What is the virtues and values of the Union. What do we strive for?

In answering this question we may find a path to a set of amendments, by the people.

G-d bless the will to understand the will of the people.

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Do as we preach

December 28th, 2023 No comments

The architect of the European Union mr. Jaques Delors is not with us anymore. May you rest in peace, mr. Delors.

As a consequence of this, and as a general effect of a union that has changed over the time, we need to take new steps, in order to embrace and support the legacy of mr. Delors.

How do we do that?

We do it by founding our new way of seeing the European Union on the virtues and values of the master architect.

The aim of the European Union is to make Europe prosper, be free and in peace.

For this to work, the banner of Democracy must be unfurled all over the Union.

How do we do this?

We do it by doing it. We make Democracy by doing Democracy. By taking steps OURSELVES in the direction of a more intertwined and more shared belief system.

But we have to do it, in practice. The dialogue that is the bred and butter of Democracy must be practiced. So that people share ideas and just basic understanding across the Union.

So this is really the new process, as I see it. We need to do what we preach. Democratic Humanism, is about sharing thoughts and ideas across the aisle.

We have to find those aisles in the European Union that is not in the center, but between each state, and reach across them. Make Swedes speak with Danes and Germans speak with the French.

With this, true Democracy is applicable and possible.

But we have DO AS WE PREACH.

G-d bless the will to reach across the aisle, and may 2024 be a year of preaching as we are doing. G-d bless the peace we will find in the wake of dialogue.

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Green Change

December 22nd, 2023 No comments

Ok, there are some good news, among all the bad news, that I have wanted to share.

As I mentioned earlier, I was approached by the EU, and they have been absolutely amazing in trying to help me with some of the things I have been working with. I have been working quite extensively with green Change, that is Carbon dioxide capture but growing forests, and green energy in the process of capturing energy from renewable sources and using them in especially maritime movements.

Add to this, I have been approached to perhaps make a better inclusion on Eastern Europe. We have some strong traditions of Democracy here in Denmark, perhaps we can share this with East. With an absolute respect for the East, off cause. There is Ukraine as well, that needs some support.

My own ambition, to add to this, is to make some enlightened debate across Europe, so that some of the Agendas, that are in the specific countries merge and we make a pan european debate.

This is possible to progress with in the new year, it will take some ressources. I have to travel around and talk to people, and relay these conversations with the public. But it is not much, and it is possible to fund these endeavors within the framework of the EU funding system.

So, these are my thoughts. I have touched ground with my friends with the green sector, and they seem more than open to continue the development funded by the EU, so things are moving in a very positive direction.

I just wanted to let you know.

Merry Christmas everybody, and happy Hanukkah.

G-d bless the will to do good with a range of ideas to make a better and more sustainable world.

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What now?

December 19th, 2023 No comments

Well, the thing is, that what we are up against in this war, is not just the physical fight, it is more the moral fight.

Potentially this will lead to a kingdom og Jerusalem, and we all kind of have a hard time wrapping our heads around that.

Let me try, and shed a bit of light over that subject.

First of all, being chosen by g-d does not mean, that you do not have say in that choosing. For me, I could just step away, don’t bother, do my life. To be honest, my life is heading in a positive direction. I am probably going to do SOME production in Easter Europe, to support the Democratic development. I am also going to work in forest issues, making green change.

That is really all I care for, it will be a good life.

But then, as we have just seen, I am intrically bonded to Israel and the Jewish people. When I fall, Israel falls with me.

Why? Because in the eyes of everybody else, this is my role.

So I could bail, but just imagine the fall out. It would, potentially, mean the end of Israel. And if I get in there and do my job, we win, we are united and strong.


It is not as if I get a lot of money or anything else from this work. It is a sacrifice. I give you unity and progress, and I expect nothing in return.

So we can talk about it, or whatever. The fact of the matter is, that somehow I ended up here, and I am not going to put lives in danger. I am a Jew myself, my family went through the Holocaust.

If I have opportunity to help that from not happening again, I will.

But, and this I really mean, I am not in it for the money or that fame. It does not matter.

G-d bless the will for Israel to survive.

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Red lines

December 17th, 2023 No comments

Well, there seems to be some kind of development in the negotiations of Gaza. BUT, and honestly, in this I REALLY support mr. Netanyahu in pushing for a more realistic development.

I absolutely agree, that the push is necessary. If we dont push, there is nothing to negotiate with.

But, and that is really, really important as well. We need to be clear about our red lines.

What is it, that we will not back down from. Here again I am absolutely in agreement with mr. Netanyahu. We need to make sure, that the 7´th of October does not happen again. We do that, by making sure, that Hamas is not able to throw bombs over the fence anymore, that is demilitarisation.

How and what with the state, will have to be discussed, and there are options. But to me, the absolute red line is, that Hamas teeth needs to be pulled out. This is not about the civilians, not about any kind of settlement on who and how Gaza is ruled. It is about making sure, that we do not meet another 7´th of October, and we only do that, if Hamas does not have the capability to make it.

G-d bless the ultimate peace, we have find after we are through this horrible war.

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Democratic Gaza?

December 16th, 2023 No comments

Ok, this is the situation in all its grimness.

There seems to be no appetite for a war, where we dismantle the infrastructure of Hamas, and put them underground.

The result of this, is a slow moving war, that will end up in a stalemate.

The Gaza press is moving the world around slowly.

It will be around two to three weeks.

After that, we will begin discussing the peace, the Americans cannot accept an islamist government, it will gun for a Martin Luther King like state, where the citizens of Gaza will be protected by civil rights, just as everywhere else in the Middle East in the Arab spring.

BUT, and this is important, we need security affirmations. We need to know, that we will be safe, so we should put ALL our interests into making that sure.

So, it will be some kind of democratic institution.

It can work, it works here in Denmark, it has worked in Tunisia, but safe to say, the islamists, and Hamas are islamists, prefer a califate.

So the whole democratic/islamist discussion will revolve around that.

We should be realistic about this, and plan accordingly.

G-d bless the will to be sincere and aim for as stable arrangement as possible. G-d bless Israel.

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December 14th, 2023 No comments

Ok, this is the last day of Hannukah, and here is what it means, in modern terms.

First of all, we need to learn from the Maccabees. What did they do? They fought with few numbers against an enemy that was vastly superior. What did that force them to do? It forced them to use their intelligence, and pray to spirit. In a Jewish way off cause, they were HELPED by spirit. What does that mean?

It means, that beneath the fighting and destruction is a more important fight, the fight for good against evil.

The MORAL fight is the most important.

Then they applied strategy. How do you do strategy, when you are a small and outnumbered force? You do it by adapting to the situation.

This is a good parable that we can use today. Because are we adapting to the situation?

We are fighting a groundwar, where the territory is on the hands of our enemies.

So we need to adapt, but that takes time, and we have not very much time.

So what do we do? We change the territory. We do that, by forcing Hamas down in the tunnels. When we have control of the surface. Which we can have, by simply demolishing the infrastructure of Hamas (without hurting any civilians), then the territory is different.

We are not forced to fight in urban areas anymore, just fighters coming out of the tunnels.

In terms of rule, that is the end of Hamas.

Maybe they will survive in the tunnels for some time. But after the initial victory, it is essentially police work left, and that is not war.

That is how you adapt.

G-d bless the will to finish this war. And there may be more adaptations coming up.

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The last stand of Hamas

December 12th, 2023 No comments

Ok, this is the situation. We are, slowly but progressively crawling down south. We are winning, albeit at a great cost in terms of men and infrastructure. Gaza is getting torn apart.

But, that is the way war is, unfortunately.

At the good side, the UN seems to be put out of commission, more or less. Giving me the role as a kind of negotiator.

I will do it, to the best of my ability.

First of all, I think we should treat the soldiers of Hamas better when they surrender. We should not humiliate them. That is not the way of a just war. So, when they put down their arms, they should be treated with the dignity you would show a serious opponent in war.

As Saladin did, and Cyrus the great.

When Alexander won over his foe Xerxes, he caught the family of Xerxes. When he caught the princesses, he treated them with dignity.

Valor in war is also treating your foes with the dignity they deserve.

I have been humiliated by the Danish system, but I do not hold thoughts of revenge and so on.

At the end of the day, our civility is what people will see.

Then there is the endgame. The endgame will be long, so we do not have to stress too much about that. The ideas as to work the peace, have, more or less settled in specific lines of thought, and as I can see it, we have the opportunity to make some kind of arrangement that makes us safe in the long run. But off cause this is a negotiation we have to take when it is all over.

Right now, we need to focus on the last stand of Hamas.

G-d bless the will to find some kind of more stable arrangement after this war.

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The King

December 9th, 2023 No comments

Ok, I have reflected a bit more on the whole Messianic issue.

Seriously. We need to understand what that role implies, in this world. I know, that we are in the middle of a war, and maybe I should have broken the issue after the war, but we need to be prepared for that outcome as well.

But let’s have a look at it.

The king of the Jews will be, in this day and age, a copy of the Danish queen.

The Danish queen does not meddle with the political life. She stays behind the castle walls, and appears once a year in a speech the people.

But, and this is very important, still is the head of the armed forces.

This again is important, to make sure, that the police and the military is uncorrupted and has the necessary support in terms of MORAL support. In Israel it is very much different, because we fight all the time. But in times of need, the king will appear, support the troops, and show that example of bravery and integrity.

At the same time, the king of the Jews is an international institution of peace.

It is the UN. The UN does not work anymore, so we need someone else to take care of the needs of nations around the world.

That is really the political point of the whole the Mosiach being a peace maker. We are supposed to, as per written by the prophets to be the nation, that knits together all the other nations. Effectively being the pedagogue in the kindergarten of Nations. Because, to be honest, it is very often a bit of a kindergarten. So someone needs to be the one to make sure everybody are happy, and fighting is kept to a minimum. In these days, where the internet knits the whole world together, and the nations therefor can communicate, we need that role to be present.

So I am that role, whether we like it or not.

But it is, by prophecy, supposed to be a part of Israel as an international peace keeping institution.

One more thing. The king is also the leader of the religious institutions of the Jews. That is not going to be easy, let me be honest about that. But, as I see it, we have an opportunity to progress Jewish theology a bit further. Solomon was famous for teaching with 3000 parabels. I have proven the existence of G-d. So, each king has his forces in terms of theology.

When we get to the balance between parliament and the royal house. Please remember, that I LIVE in a kingdom. The fairytale kingdom of Denmark. So I know how these things work. In Denmark, which is also a one chamber system, there is a sound and even respect between the royal house and the Folketinget. The Folketinget, which, by the way, was the template for the Knesset.

So, and this is very important to say out loud and clear, just as his majesty King Charles did at his coronation; I wholeheartedly support the democratic institutions. I have bled for democracy, and will still do that, over and over again. So off cause, I will not curb the powers of the political parties. I am a political philosopher, so I guess the parties of the Knesset can be inspired by my ideas, but I will NEVER meddle in the affairs of the Knesset. At times of national peril, as the 7´th of October, I will carry you, support you, make you whole. But I will 110% respect the democratic process.

My role, as a king is mainly symbolic, but a VERY powerful symbol of peace and my role is to support the Jewish people as well as the troops in all its facets.

G-d bless the will to find peace, at the end of this fight.

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The Just war

December 8th, 2023 No comments

The war is fought, on our side, with ethics, integrity and force.

On the other side, it is fought with civilians as shields, from kindergartens and has a horrible element of abuse of young women.

This is the fact, and it does not have anything to do with islam. Islam forbids the use of civilians in warfare, as well as any abuse of women.

So in that sense it truly is a fight between good and evil. Not just on an ethical level, but also on a more spiritual level.

Good is to, in warfare, focusing on the soldiers and trying to get civilians out of the way.

There is actually honor in combat.

If you fight dishonorably, you do not have spirit on your side. Then you have something else on your side.

We should therefor be very, very careful as to our actions, and we are. To the expense of speed and efficiency.

But we do it the right way.

G-d bless the will to do things according to the spirit of a just war.

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Endgame II

December 7th, 2023 No comments

Ok, these are my reflections regarding the situation in Gaza. We need to be realistic about the outcome.

We do not have international support for a complete remigration of all of Gazans, so we need to realize the fact, that Gaza will still be populated by the palestinians after the war, as the West Bank.

The West Bank however is relatively quiet, no weapons caches, tunnels, rockets fired. Why? Because Israeli police and MP makes sure, that that can not happen.

So even though most Palestinians WANT to fight Israel, they can only do it, if they have the weapons to do it. So, in practice, demilitarizing Gaza, would effectively make it impossible for Gazans to fight Israel.

So it is a practical solution to the problem.

Would the Israeli police be a terrible source of oppression? Well it does not seem to be that in the West Bank, so why would it be any different in Gaza?

There is the question of the last hostages. I get it, they are in real danger now. But unless Hamas has some kind of incentive to hand them over, they won’t. So we need to give them that incentive.

One could be some kind of amnesty (for the soldiers) so that they get some kind of relief if the hand over the hostages. Effectively trading with the soldiers for the lives of the hostages.

That is a bargain.

We have to be precise, and predictable in what we do. We can promise some kind of relief, if Hamas hands over the hostages.

With that, we are optimizing our chances for success.

Stay on course, we are getting closer, and closer to victory.

G-d bless the peace, we will have after the war has been won.

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December 7th, 2023 No comments

Ok, the situation is like this. We are very close to winning. It is hard, and the fighting takes a toll. But look at the things on the ground, we are almost dominant on ground.

Then we have to initiate the discussion post winning.

It is really quite simple. We need to control the security of Gaza, as we do in the West Bank.

The PA may be able to administer the public funding of the administation and do the organizational things, for an administration to work.

This is a state, in the sense, that PA controls everything apart from security.

If we do this. We don’t have the problems we have right now from Gaza. If Hamas tries to set up shop again in Gaza, we can put an end to that.

The continued fighting has the aim as to neutralize Hamas as a threat to Israel. But the aim is not to harm the rest of the population in Gaza. As long as we are ok with security in terms of physical threat, we are ok.

How would that work?

If Turkey and Qatar are in disagreement, please advance some kind of alternative.

G-d bless the will to finally find peace in and around Israel.

Categories: Politics Tags:

The king?

December 6th, 2023 No comments

Ok, so, essentially the brass around the world see what I do here at Rubicon as a messianic thing.

That has been going on for ten years.

It will continue as long as I can make the blog run.

The question is, essentially, do we move further? Now would be the perfect time. We are united, we are winning a war, the wind is in our sails.

BUT, what would we do, and why?

To be honest, there is a lot to be said for the situation as it is. I get to live a more or less private life here in Denmark, and my kids live a normal life.

I get to contribute to the world in a peaceful and very constructive manner.

BUT, there is the obvious downside, that it is a pretty unstable situation, as we have just witnessed. 7´th of October could have been avoided, if my life didn’t turn out to be a mess, honestly.

So I need stability to function and contribute.

Then what would be the next step we could take, to solidify the situation?

The obvious answer would be institutions. We could build a castle, change the constitution to include a king or a queen. And ultimately build a new temple on the temple mound.

This is an option. But we need to have a clear look at that option as well. What does it present us as positives and negatives. The obvious positive is, that it could further the peace work that is the institution of the king of Israel. We could make world peace.

AND it would solidify the existence of Israel. Right now, the situation is precarious at best, and if I hadn’t taken action after the 7´th October, we could have lost. That is the bare, naked facts.

Having a king in Israel, is a good thing for Israel. I could be in direct communication with the generals, and know what was going on in terms of security.

Also it could bring a new stability to the political process. The conservative influence a good king has on the political process, that of trying to uphold spiritual virtues and morale, is important. The balance between parliament and king is valuable, if it works.

Usually a dynasty will work, as long as the heir is qualified, and we have an heir. She is most qualified. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is a wonderful, stable, beautiful person.

BUT, right now the leaders of the world know and respect my work here at People of the world does not know me. So, what happens, when and if we make the situation more stable, and build institutions around it?

That remans to be seen, and we have to take it step by step.

But, there is the option to solidify the situation, and you are more than welcome to have your say. What about the Israeli people, would you like this new development? The Knesset? The political leaders?

I am all ears, and we need to turn our situation to a more stable situation. But how we do that, is up to a discussion, and I am all ears.

G-d bless the will to find peace in the world.

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